What is a challenging and recurring thought for You?

"I have Low Metabolism thats why I am Gaining Weight!"

"I have Heavy Bones thats why I am so Heavy!"

"I am Getting Old thats why my Belly is Bigger!"

Those were my favourite Thoughts around my relationship with my Body.

But all of that changed, when I started asking myself this breakthrough question:

Today, after challenging myself to reset my 2nd Brain - My Gut and my Old Pattern of Thoughts, it became apparent that:

"My Healthy Gut is the Gateway to a Burning Metabolism"

"Strong Bones = Strong Muscles"

"Belly is not linked to Age, but Neglect"

When I start to shift to focus from challenging others to challenging my own limiting beliefs, that was when I start to Grow and truly felt Freedom within Me.

What Thoughts will You Challenge Today ❓

29. Challenge a Thought.