Moments before my Dad's call, I imagined a million worst case scenarios of how the call will go.

As the phone call connected, and my Dad's voice came through, his tone, voice and spirit was so calm, and it was not dramatic at all as I imagined.

I spent the next 20mins just listening and holding space for him.

Did I agreed with everything my Dad expressed? Absolutely not. But what changed  was not about who is right or wrong, and this exact words set me free:

"Daddy, I Love You, but sometimes I just don't know how?"

Tears just flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably, and I could also hear my Dad over the phone holding it in. I then ended our call with a promise:

"The 1 thing I know is that, I promise to no longer avoid You, and will learn to Love You for You."

After the call, I felt like a giantic ton of weight, that I was carrying for decades, was literally released from my physical body.

That life-changing call with my Dad, accompanied by a week of raw food detox cleanse at Tony Robbins Life Mastery resulted in me:

  1. Releasing 7 Pounds in 7days!
  2. Transformed from Waist Size 34 to Size 30!
  3. Breaking Free from Years of Tummy Bloating!
  4. Entirely Cleared Up Jawline Acne Breakouts!
  5. Feeling Super Energised and Sustaining It!

And when I met with my Partner for lunch after a week of not meeting, he was like:

"Baby, How did You do that in a week?!"

[Left]: Photo Taken 1 Day before Call with my Dad. [Right]: After Call with Dad and 7 Days of Raw Food Detox Cleanse (no filter for both photos)

And at that point in time, it was crystal clear:


And I made that my Mission.

18. I released 7pounds in 7days!